Reduce Your Home Ventilation Bill With These Handy Tips

Handy Tips To Reduce Home Ventilation Energy Costs

Have you recently installed a home ventilation system and feel like you are up to your neck in energy bills? Did you know that there are a few simple tips you can use that can cut your costs by half?

Why Your Energy Bills Are High

Below are common culprits that cause your home ventilation energy bills to escalate.

1. Leaks in your house. It doesn’t matter if you have invested in a top notch ventilation system, if you have several leaks around your house, it could cause the system to be ineffective. Such leaks tend to bring in cold air during winter, and hot air during summer, which in turn causes your ventilation system to work extra hard to create a balance. The extra hard work costs you more in terms of bills.

2. Faulty or poor choice of a ventilation system. You may either have installed a ventilation system that is subpar, or you may be working with one that is simply faulty. This could lead to situations where one part of the house is heated or cooled properly with the other parts being either too hot or too cold. This ineffective heating or cooling of your house means that you are racking up energy bills for nothing.

Tips For Reducing Home Ventilation Energy Bills

Now that you know what may be causing an increase in your energy bills, here are some tips that will help:

1. Seal of cracks underneath doors and windows. These are popular places where air escapes into and out of the house. Once you seal these spots, your ventilation system will not have to work too hard to balance the air out, which of course means a reduction in your energy bill.

2. Get your condenser unit professionally cleaned. If it is clogged with debris and dirt, your air conditioner will be forced to work extra hard.

3. Ensure that there is free flow of air around the exhaust fans. Any debris blocking the fans will cause your system to work overtime.

4. Schedule regular system checks by a professional. It is better to have your system checked for needed repairs or upgrades periodically, instead of waiting for it to malfunction in a major way that will be more costly to repair or replace.

5. All your air vents should be clean and should not be blocked by furniture or any other home appliance.

6. Ensure your furnace filter is kept clean at all times. A dirty furnace makes it harder for air to circulate, which in turn leads to higher energy costs.

7. Do not always rely on your ventilation system. You can let in cool air in the early mornings or at night and give your system a break.

8. If your ventilation system is old, you are better off purchasing a new one. Newer models on the market have more efficient ways of using energy, as opposed to older models.

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